Keeping abreast of what NOT to do, is just as important as anything else. Here are some great tips on things to avoid when going for good local search engine rankings.

  1. False Business Locations: Providing a false address for a business will alert search engines that the business may not be legitimate. This should be avoided regardless!
  2. Keyword Cramming: Adding unnecessary keywords to a business name (e.g., instead of “Evergreen, Colorado Cleaners,” including “Evergreen Cleaners Tailors Washing Drying Clothing”) will lower a business’ ranking in search results. So even though keywords are important in driving search, don’t try to spam the system or there will be penalties.
  3. Inconsistent NAP information across Web: Having different business names, addresses and phone numbers across the web will damage the business’ credibility in local search, so be sure to ensure consistency on business websites, local sites, etc.
  4. Incorrect business category: Listing a business in categories where it does not provide a service will negatively impact a business’ placement in search, so be sure to stick to what the business actually does.
  5. Presence of multiple Google Places pages: Having multiple Google Places landing pages for the same location will impact a business’ visibility in search, so be sure to consolidate and remove additional pages.
  6. Reports of violations on a business’s Google Places landing page: Violating Google’s content policy can lead to the de-listing of a business’ page. Be sure to avoid inappropriate material, bullying, impersonating, illegal activities, and posting of false reviews.
  7. Absence of NAP information on website: Not including the business’ NAP information on its own website can negatively impact its local ranking. Make sure to include NAP information as text on the business’ website – not just within graphics.

Thanks to Wesley Young for these Local Search Engine Marketing tips!

Published On: August 20th, 2013 / Categories: SEM News /